
Echo Park fenced Off; Remaining Homeless Given 24 Hours To Leave

Echo Park fenced Off; Remaining Homeless Given 24 Hours To Leave

Photo credit: Dean Musgrove

Echo Park has been fenced off and the homeless living along the lake were given 24 hours to leave after protesters and police clashed Wednesday night.

“No one else may enter. 24 hr notice for those in the park to leave. Housing resources are being provided to everyone,” says Los Angeles Police Chief Michael Moore.

Police were clearing out area Wednesday and met by hundreds of protesters who were upset and ready to fight for the space being taken away. It got a bit out of hand with shoving and pushing, and some police even reported that rocks and other object were being thrown at them. The LAPD later declared two unlawful assemblies and gave an order for the crowd to disperse. 

An online petition on Change.org called “Save Echo Park Lake” was created and calls for officials to “restore the lake housing,” but City Council member Mitch O’Farrell claims that the closure was specifically created to fix lighting, plumbing and other much-needed improvements. Social workers will walk through park today and offer people who are still there another place to stay, etc.

What are your thoughts? Are they right or wrong for shutting this area down?

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