Paramount Pictures is releasing a documentary on the life of the legendary Paul Walkers called, “I am Paul Walker.” Best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in The Fast and the Furious franchise, Paul stole everyone’s hearts. He died in November of 2013 from a fatal car crash at the age of 40.
The documentary will show childhood home videos, clips from him in the film industry, and interviews from loved ones like his family members, childhood friends and Hollywood colleagues including co-stars of Fast and Furious.
With this documentary airing soon, we remember the beautiful song, “See You Again,” by Charlie Puth featuring Wiz Khalifa. Charlie wrote this song for Paul and released it with the premiere of the Furious 7 movie after his death.
“I Am Paul Walker” will air on Paramount Network on August 11th at 9 ET/PT.