
Lil Wayne’s “Dedication 6” Mixtape May Drop This Month

Lil Wayne’s “Dedication 6” Mixtape May Drop This Month

Photo Credit: Rick Kern | Getty Images

It’s always a good day when Lil Wayne makes headlines. Now, it seems Weezy fans can have something to look forward to this month. In a recent Instagram Live video, Wayne’s manager, Cortez Bryant, hints that Dedication 6 may drop this month. The reasoning? Next month would be too far away.

Soon Come #mulagvng #BumbuKrewe

A post shared by Cortez Bryant (@tezzington) on

Bryant states, “Maybe D6 in November, not December, that’s too long.” While the source doesn’t get any better than Wayne’s direct manager, this also aligns with Wayne announcement that he was working on the mixtape at Bud Light’s Party Convention last year. And of course, fans still wait patiently for the highly-anticipated Carter V.

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