
Diddy May Be Giving A 1 Million Dollar Contract To The H&M Model Featured In The Controversial Ad

Diddy May Be Giving A 1 Million Dollar Contract To The H&M Model Featured In The Controversial Ad

Photo Credit: Getty Images- Thaddaeus McAdams 

Following the controversial ad that lead to names like Nicki Minaj and G-Easy pulling their collabs, H&M is still under fire. 

The young black boy who was featured in the picture was wearing a shirt that read “Coolest Monkey In The Jungle.” 

After that picture hit the fan, it was all over for the brand as many plan to boycott their products. 

However, what happens to the young boy who was the model? 

Reports are coming in stating that Diddy may be giving him a modeling contract. Now, this is no regular contract, it is said that the dollar amount is looking like a One Million Dollar Contract. 

This is no surprise that Diddy wants to recruit him for modeling as he has his own brand of clothes, Sean Jean clothing. 

As of now, there is no real confirmation on if he is really going to offer the full amount or if the conversation has already happened.  

As more news coming in regarding this possible deal, we will keep you updated.