Photo Credit: Ethan Miller | Getty Images
The E! News Network just previewd and episode of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry featuring Lil Kim. In the episode someone comes through to the medium. By the looks of it, it seems like someone close to her in music comes through.
In the preview, it seems like Biggie could be coming through to speak to her…“The man that is popping in that I have to acknowledge, the feeling is that life gets cut too short,” Tyler reveals. “Or like someone passes away before their time and when he comes through he acknowledges a reference to music.”
As the medium continued,“He’s showing a legacy being continued on and then he is having me reference to a dedication, but in a musical sense,” Tyler shares “Now the interesting thing is he acknowledges this hasn’t been done yet. He feels like he’s involved in it.” Could the ghost of Biggie Small be reaching out to the Queen Bee? Watch the preview below.
WATCH A Preview of The Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry Episode Featuring Lil Kim HERE: