
R. Kelly Allegedly Kept Women For His “Cult”

R. Kelly Allegedly Kept Women For His “Cult”

Photo Credit: Prince Williams | Getty Images

Buzzfeed News has shared some news from some concerned parents of some women that have come out saying that allegedly R.Kelly has kept them against their will. The parents are comparing R.Kelly’s actions to that of a “sex cult.”

The women have said that R.Kelly allegedly “every aspect of their lives” and recorded their sexul acts. The young women were hoping to succeed in the music business, but instead were given “rules” to follow while living with R.Kelly. If the women broke any rules, then they were punished. 

Some of the women that have come forward: Cheryl Mack, Kitti Jones, and Asante McGee. These women have come forward and said that R.Kelly allegedly contrlled everything form what they ate, wore, and even down to when they shower. You can read more about the story HERE.